Doctorul Plantelor: Mahogany Tree Deforestation Medicinal Uses for Cancer Diabetis Malaria High Blood Pressure

vineri, 1 februarie 2019

Mahogany Tree Deforestation Medicinal Uses for Cancer Diabetis Malaria High Blood Pressure

Mahogany Tree (English), Cedro (Spanish), Kuyche' (Maya), Cedrela odorata, Meliaceae Family.  Native to Yucatan Peninsula and Central America. Precious hardwood from the tropical regions, Mahogany or Cedro trees grow 20 meters high, bark is rough with deep vertical indents; blooms in spring - summer clusters of small cream flowers and propagates with seeds capsules in woody seed pods that when opened look like lovely brown wood flowers (photo).  

The tree grows to great heights of 50 metres and can live for 350 years plus. It has white flowers which fall to form the fruit which is very unusual as it is gravity defying – it points upwards, and so is called the sky fruit.


Full sun / partial shade. Plant in frost-free locations, water periodically.
Tolerant of acidic to alkaline soils.
Occasional pruning of branches is needed to keep a straight trunk. 

Medicinal Uses
Mahogany Seeds come from the Mahogany Tree that grows in almost all the tropical areas of the world including the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Asia and even in Florida and have many health benefits.

Scientists in West Bengal have claimed that the seeds of the big leaf mahogany tree could help treat diabetes naturally. The seeds are non-toxic and safe natural product being used in folk medicines to treat diabetes. 

Mahogany Seeds are jam packed full of lots of amazing antioxidants that work to fight against free radicals, thus helping to slow the aging process and prevent disease plus colds and flues. Mahogany Seeds contain a wealth of minerals, fatty acids, proteins... and the tress are distantly related to the ginseng plant and neem tree.  

Mahogany Seeds powder lowers cholesterol and helps to boost your immune system too! 
Mahogany Seeds help to regulate blood sugar, you can make a tea of the seeds and drink that or take some of the powder daily for lowering blood sugar levels.

Mahogany Seeds increases circulation and lower blood pressure and have anti-inflammatory effects... (brew 4 cups of water with 16 grams of Mahogany seeds, drink 2 glasses a daily for lowering blood pressure - One AM, One PM)and are great for those wanting better heart health because the seeds help to prevent cardiovascular disease and strokes. It also helps get rid of plaque formation within the vessels of the heart, plus reduces pain and bleeding. 

Mahogany Seeds are antibacterial and antimicrobial thus helping to treat malaria and other diseases. And some studies have been done showing that Mahogany Seeds may be great for treating Hepatitis C 

Mahogany Seeds just might be able to prevent colon cancer because of it’s great anti-inflammatory abilities... and also has great healing effects for gastric ulcers. 

Mahogany Seed powder can help prevent insect bites.  

  Efficacy mahogany seed, that treat hypertension, blood sugar disorders, poor appetite, fever, and facilitate maintain sturdiness. the way to method them, seeds crushed or pulverized into a powder and brewed with hot water.

To treat high blood pressure, take 0.5 a teaspoon of powdered seeds of mahogany and glass of hot water. Add one tablespoon of honey, stirred, once a heat and drunk. 
 - For patients with blood sugar disorders, potion at the side of hypertension, and may be taken half-hour before eating. 
- For colds and stamina enhancer, in addition as a potion, however you'll be able to add ginger. 

  In Bolivia the Mesetemo Indians use a decoction of the crushed seeds to bring about an abortion, and use the crushed seeds with the oil from Attalea phalerata for skin problems and children’s skin allergies.

In Malaysia the seeds are chewed, or swallowed in powder form to treat high blood pressure, while in India the seeds are also used to treat this as well as diabetes. In India the seeds are also used for diarrhoea. In Indonesia a decoction of the seeds is given against malaria.

 A of bark may serve as an anticyptic (reduces fever).
• It serve as also as an astringent.
• It is also used increases our body tone.

Research mahogany pieces for use as vitamins and drugs was first performed by a biochemist, DR. Larry Brookes, in the 1990s. Mahogany fruit contains flavonoids and saponins.

The content of flavonoids was useful for blood circulation, especially to prevent the blockage of blood vessels, reduces cholesterol and fatty deposits on blood vessel walls, helps reduce pain, bleeding, and bruising, as well as act as antioxidants to eliminate free radicals.

 Saponin is useful to prevent pestilence, reduce body fat, boost the immune system, improve blood sugarlevels, and strengthen liver function and slow the blood clotting process. 

The leaves contain several limonoids; seven phragmalin limonoids of swietephragmins A-G as well two other different types of 2-hydroxy-3-O-tigloylswietenolide and deacetylsecomahoganin.  

History of Deforestation 

In the 17th century, the buccaneer John Esquemeling recorded the use of mahogany or cedrela on Hispaniola for making canoes: "The Indians make these canoes without the use of any iron instruments, by only burning the trees at the bottom near the root, and afterwards governing the fire with such industry that nothing is burnt more than what they would have.

While the trade in mahogany from the Spanish and French territories in America remained moribund for most of the 18th century, this was not true for those islands under British control. In 1721 the British Parliament removed all import duties from timber imported into Britain from British possessions in the Americas. 

This immediately stimulated the trade in West Indian timbers including, most importantly, mahogany. Importations of mahogany into England (and excluding those to Scotland, which were recorded separately) reached 525 tons per annum by 1740, 3,688 tons by 1750, and more than 30,000 tons in 1788, the peak year of the 18th century trade.

Until the 1760s over 90 per cent of the mahogany imported into Britain came from Jamaica. Some of this was re-exported to continental Europe, but most was used by British furniture makers. Quantities of Jamaican mahogany also went to the North American colonies, but most of the wood used in American furniture came from the Bahamas. This was sometimes called Providence wood, after the main port of the islands, but more often madera or maderah, which was the Bahamian name for mahogany.

At the end of the Seven Years' War (1756–63), the mahogany trade began to change significantly. During the occupation of Havana by British forces between August 1762 and July 1763, quantities of Cuban or Havanna mahogany were sent to Britain, and after the city was restored to Spain in 1763, Cuba continued to export small quantities, mostly to ports on the north coast of Jamaica, from where it went to Britain.However, this mahogany was regarded as inferior to the Jamaican variety, and the trade remained sporadic until the 19th century.

Trade in American mahogany probably reached a peak in the last quarter of the 19th century. Figures are not available for all countries, but Britain alone imported more than 80,000 tons in 1875.

That is what imperialism is all about. And we ask ourselves why is the climate change. That is why.
