Doctorul Plantelor: How to Control Aphids,Insecticide :Actara 25 WG,Mospilan,Fastac Active

marți, 18 decembrie 2018

How to Control Aphids,Insecticide :Actara 25 WG,Mospilan,Fastac Active

Aphids love snacking on fruits, vegetables, flowers, and many other types of plants, making it difficult to grow a beautiful garden. These small, pear-shaped insects congregate on the shady side of leaves and come in many colors. To help fend off these pesky pests, invite beneficial insects into your yard such as ladybugs, or try to cut down on the ant population. There are many different types of sprays, with ingredients ranging from different types of oils to garlic, that will control the aphids. If you need a fast fix, try spraying the aphids off with a strong burst of water or sprinkling flour over the infested plants.
Treatment Insecticide:Actara 25 WG,Mospilan,Fastac Active,
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